Delivery Of Drugs To A Child In Fort Worth

Delivery of a Controlled Substance or Marijuana to a Child in Texas

Providing drugs to a child, either by selling it or giving it to them, is a serious offense in the state of Texas. Drugs include, but are not limited to,  controlled substances such as opiates, opium derivatives, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, hallucinogenic substances, and marijuana.

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How Can You Be Charged with Delivery of Drugs to a Child in Texas?

There are two courses of conduct that may result in criminal charges. If an adult “delivers” (in other words, gives, sells, or otherwise provides) drugs to a child who is in school, this is criminal conduct. Alternatively, if the person provides drugs to another person who intends to deliver them to a child, they may also be criminally culpable. In this instance, the actor must either know or believe the middle man intends to deliver the drugs to a child.

Are there any Defense to Delivery of Drugs to a Child in Texas?

There are defenses to this crime. If the person delivering the drugs is not an adult, this is a defense to delivery of drugs to child although this is not a defense to any other charges that may include drug dealing. Additionally, if the person delivering drugs is under the age of 21, only provided marijuana in a small amount (less than one – fourth ounce) and did not sell the drugs to the child, or receive other compensation, this is a defense. There are also many non-statutory defenses including attacks on the investigation, credibility of witnesses, and the lab reports.

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What is the Punishment for Delivery of Drugs to a Child?

Delivery of drugs to a child is an offense classified as a felony in the second degree. Felonies in the second degree are very serious, carrying penalties including a $10,000 fine, up to 20 years in prison, but not less than two years in prison, or both.

Speak to An Attorney About Defending Charges for Delivery of Drugs to a Minor

If you are being investigated for, or were charged with delivery of drugs to a child in Fort Worth, it’s crucial to reach out to an experienced defense attorney for legal help with your case.

For more information, please reference the Health and Safety Code 481.122

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